Later that day we met with Marsha, the Fosbury care home project leader. Here is the footage of our chat with her.]
We discussed what we could do or bring to the home, such as music scents, materials and objects, also performances. However I just wanted to talk and gain insight on what the home was like. Later this week, we went to the care home and met lots of interesting people. It was very interesting, as the6e ware a lot of sound effects like murmuring, counting, quiet conversations, and a lot of unidentifiable sounds. I spoke to some people, some lucid while others were aware. Some people were joking and cheerful, some seemed lonely, others were quiet. Some of them just wanted to talk. Cara played some old songs which they responded well to. We did our monologues and they seemed very interested which is a very good moing experience, as they would rarely have access to performances. I am very happy with my first visit and will look forward to more person to person conversations.
8 March. Research: Below are some music and sound stimulases that may be helpful to the people in Forbury, as they may bring back memories for them. There are songs from world war 2 and some sounds that might make their memory jog.
Pack up your troubles:
Door closing
Cooking sound effect:
Street sound effects:
School sound effets: This is long but could bring back childhood memories
Fireplace sounds
Breakfast and morning sounds: 12 March. On Thursday, I went again to Forbury care home. This time, Marsha was not there, but we met the activities coordinators Tom and Emma. We sat, spaced out amount the residents, and talked with them about their lives. We did prepare a questionnaire, but I wanted to see what I could learn from them without directing the conversation too much. I spoke to Edna, Kay, and Paddy, all who lived fairly locally before coming to Fororbury. I picked up a lot from speaking to them. None of them were very lucid, but I discovered that Edna liked birds, and Paddy "Short for Patricia)used to be a farmer's wife.I also had snapshot conversations that were very short and in detailed with Mary (who used to teach), and Eric (who was from Brazil.) I had to begin thinking about my story. I think that I will take them on a written journey that collaborates everything I've been told using words and sound effects. I did not get individual stories from people, as I could not keep them focussed for long enough, but together I have enough to be able to tell a very interesting story with a combination of facts about them. I am looking forward to creating this, and performing it to them when it is complete.
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